The Vignettes

Walk with me down the trail.

For two years, we lived in a tent trailer while traveling the American West. To document the kind of adventure I’d never have again, I told our stories through weekly vignettes.

We’ve left the RV life for now, but still continue to recount adventure’s ups and downs, our relationship with the outdoors, the wonderful disaster of parenting, and the struggle to catch lightening in the creative bottle.

Weather Makers
Beth Downing Beth Downing

Weather Makers

In that moment, I floated like the balloon and like the clouds caught on the atmospheric interruption. In that suspension, I was within my own cloud.

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Carry You
Beth Downing Beth Downing

Carry You

They were voluntarily taking additional weight of items they never intended for themselves, only hoping that their kits might be useful to someone else.

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