Sitting in Spring
Beth Downing Beth Downing

Sitting in Spring

But when sitting is a must, the early spring sun is an awfully good place to do it.

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After the Finish
Beth Downing Beth Downing

After the Finish

This, more than anything , brought me a throat lump. I couldn’t believe they were using what little breath they had to encourage and to thank.

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The Melt
Beth Downing Beth Downing

The Melt

Sitting in my backyard, the snow mounds crackle as they disintegrate into the solar-heated concrete of the patio. This noise can be heard even over the roar of the nearby interstate. Water is louder than an engine on this bluebird afternoon.

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Found Keys
Beth Downing Beth Downing

Found Keys

Then the waterfall of words began, as if finding the keys unlocked all the things she held close.

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