walk with me down the trail
walk with me down the trail
For two years, we lived in a tent trailer while traveling the American West. To document the kind of adventure I’d never have again, I wrote our stories.
We’ve left the RV life for now, but these weekly vignettes still explore adventure’s ups and downs, our relationship with the outdoors, the wonderful disaster of parenting, and the struggle to catch lightening in the creative bottle.
If The Sky Turns Green
If I come back and my lights are on, you need to get to the bathrooms quick,” said the Park Ranger. He was talking to us out the window of a twenty-year-old truck, the bed containing an assortment of shovels, rakes, dented buckets, and hay.
Falling & Failing
You’re afraid of falling and you’re afraid of failing. The difference is the “i” and that difference is how much of yourself you bring into the uncontrolled process of meeting the ground.
Untaken Trails
And yet, the trails on these maps - the long lines that don’t intersect with any of their kind - those are the ones that haunt me.