walk with me down the trail

walk with me down the trail

For two years, we lived in a tent trailer while traveling the American West. To document the kind of adventure I’d never have again, I wrote our stories.

We’ve left the RV life for now, but these weekly vignettes still explore adventure’s ups and downs, our relationship with the outdoors, the wonderful disaster of parenting, and the struggle to catch lightening in the creative bottle.

The Boomerang Crux
Beth Downing Beth Downing

The Boomerang Crux

There was always another crux on the horizon - aiming to hurry up and finish this one doesn't actually help. The crux is just like the mountain because it's not going to bend and you aren't really either.

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The Good Kind of Grounded
Beth Downing Beth Downing

The Good Kind of Grounded

Our feet are the way we touch the earth. Our feet, of all the parts of us, have spent the most time in contact with the ground. Our feet understand soil in a way the rest of us doesn’t. Our feet, which are soft at first but hardened by experience, are the primary way in which we level ourselves with our surroundings.

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Four Signs at Thukla Pass
Beth Downing Beth Downing

Four Signs at Thukla Pass

At Thukla Pass in Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal, treekers crest a hill strung with prayer flags. This is not unusual. Nor or the rock cairns or the stacked stone fences that wouldn't be out of place in the Irish countryside.

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