walk with me down the trail
walk with me down the trail
For two years, we lived in a tent trailer while traveling the American West. To document the kind of adventure I’d never have again, I wrote our stories.
We’ve left the RV life for now, but these weekly vignettes still explore adventure’s ups and downs, our relationship with the outdoors, the wonderful disaster of parenting, and the struggle to catch lightening in the creative bottle.
Away We Stay: State Change
Each crystal transforms into water and it takes only the briefest of seconds. How often do you get to witness the precise moment of a state change?
Away We Stay: Firsts
You know that moment when you know you're going to have to do something really, desperately unpleasant? And you know that it's going to suck and that you're actively making the choice to do the sucky thing? But you also know that if you don't, something awful is going to happen and you'll rue the day when you had the choice whether or not to do the sucky thing?
Away We Go: Lasts, Part Two
Long way from home, they say. Those are the beginners. I was one of them hundreds of days ago.